Collaboration with Columbia City Bouquet


When we were approached by Emily Kopca, co owner of the awesome floral design shop Columbia City Bouquet, stationed in Seattle, we knew the collaboration was going to a be a bright and beautiful one. 

Their new space is their second shop, South Lake Union Bouquet situated in the ground level of the Amazon headquarters in Seattle.

The goal: to outfit their new space with beautiful but minimal designs that will be good for staging, storage, and most importantly showcasing their floral arrangements and plants! 

What was needed: custom shelving in the form of open faced credenzas, stackable shelves, mounted shelves, benches and tables. With their vision in mind, we were up to the task of bringing it to life. Check out some of the items they purchased here: 

See some photos below of their space!  

So! When you are up in Seattle, make sure to stop by Columbia City Bouquet's beautiful new shop, located on 7th Ave South Union Lake Bouquet and treat yourself or your loved one to something beautiful! 

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